Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Generations Can't Be Compared: An Erasure Poem

You’re entitled. You’re narcissistic.
You belong to a culture of moral and spiritual poverty.
You need affirmations of your already inflated self-esteem.
You’re not virtuous, you’re lazy.
Facebook generation.
Generation Y even bother?
More open about drugs, sex and violence.
We have been conditioned to be this way,
Judgments being passed on us.
Scathing critics, our parents and grandparents.
When candy cost a penny, you could leave your doors unlocked.
We do not have this luxury.
Are we a generation of
Technology, school shootings, terrorism and natural disasters?
Plagued with debt, ideal conditions for success.
Diversity embraced, divorce rates higher and less family centered.
Endless outcomes, shocking and appalling.
Accused of being a sexual deviant.
Clothes too immodest, music too vulgar
                                                Forgotten about entirely.
Dealing with hypocrisy, tragedy and destruction.
There always will be unrest.
Standards are applies by failures past.
                Youth rebel, in one way
Or another.
Determine their own set of rules.
The world has a history of bashing… 

*This erasure is from my college's newspaper The Index, article title: Generation's Can't Be Compared.  Try your hand at erasure poems, they are a lot of fun! If you do, post them, I want to see!*

Friday, June 8, 2012

New Blog up and running!

So, last time I was on here I sent out a call for submissions.... well, now that website is actually up and running! Its still a work in progress, but I'm really excited! Go check it out: www.activnationlitmag.wordpress.com :D

Friday, May 18, 2012

Call for submissions!

So, I'm going to start this new website and hopefully, eventually, a literary magazine. What it will be is a literary magazine (for now online) geared toward young adults (think 13-24ish) focused on activism. But, before I can really start it I need submissions! It can be anything. Songs, art, poems, photographs, short stories.... you get the point. The only thing I ask is that it be appropriate, it be about some problem in the world that needs awareness or we can do something about (think poverty, autism, cancer, etc.) and that I am allowed to edit literature(although I won't publish edited content w/o them approving the edit first). I would really appreciate it if you could submit something! After I get enough submissions I will start up the webpage using wordpress and send you a link . You can submit either to my email: kaimartin93@gmail.com or on here!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Young Hearts

Do not let anyone look down on you
 because you are young.
Let hope and imagination
guide your actions.
While you are young,
you have dreams of making the world
a better place.
Don't ever let that go.
You have the power, now.
Young one, you do not have to

When you are grown,
you do not have to stop.
Be always beautiful and young
in your heart.
Be always imaginative and hopeful.
Lack of which will
harden your heart and
destroy your power
to change

Monday, February 13, 2012


Things come as they may,
Things come as they might.
Even if the end comes one day,
I know we're not going down without a fight.
No matter what may come our way,
My love for you will always be right.

If fate, it should seem
has something else in store
I'll forever cherish you in my dreams.
But, I can promise you nothing more.

Whether the fire will blaze bright
Or if it will dwindle,
all depends on if its left alone in the night
or if its kindled.

As for me,
My hearts set on the latter.
Who knows what could be
With two as mad as a hatter.